Thursday, April 19, 2018

Accounts Receivable Automation Concepts for Small to Mid-Size Businesses

Accounts Receivable Automation - AR Automation - Accounts Receivable Solutions

The ones closest to a problem sometimes avoid it the most. Small to mid-size businesses accounted a little under 60% of all sales and 55% of all jobs in the US. With that said, we all can agree that small to mid-size business are an important thread in the fabric of this country and around the world.

A business bank account is essential but may not provide all of the services needed to seamlessly integrate and create value for your business. Although you need a bank, you also require payroll, accounting, compliance, bookkeeping and risk management which must be managed. With that said, the most important aspect of a small to mid-size business finance is cash flow management. It is vital to minimize your cost and maximize automation to achieve the goal of managing data versus manually inputting or re-keying it.

Importantly, research indicates that the cost of a payment or receivable does not correlate with the size of business. Therefore, small businesses need the most access to excellent A/R automated solutions. Read more...

Accounts Receivable Automation

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